Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why the press continues to attack the Catholics

Its Easter week, Easter Saturday to be specific, and the press has been in their typical "biased" feeding frenzy all week. Maybe its that their apparent bias is driven by the "non-Christian" makeup of the majority of the press, maybe its that they're just so pissed off about the Obama administration not caving in to Israel's prime minister during a recent visit to the White House, or maybe its as simple as they can't stand the idea that they haven't been able to destroy an institution that has thrived for over 2,000 years, despite their best efforts. Whichever, it seems clear to most with any sense of objectivity, that the aggregate media (not every outlet) is determined to brand and spin the Catholics (after all its the people that make up the church, not the buildings and paintings and such) in a context of their own creation.

To be sure, if the same vigor were unleashed against the Muslims or the Jews, multiple organizations and advocacy groups would be marching in the streets; but alas, its only the Catholics ... again. Imagine such a hard driven focus of the seemingly horrific acts of a few, defining the whole. Its stereotypical of the bias against the blacks being all the same, the Muslims being all the same, the military, the police ... you get the idea. Wow ... imagine ... an organization (Catholic Church) that has all pedophiles, all co-conspirators, all "good ole boys" covering up the crimes, all evil intentions to deceive, to hide, to bury the truth ... and then look at the history of all of the good that this organization has done since its inception ... hospitals, charities, schools, emergency support groups, to name only a few. Does it not seem that the attacks are a bit over the top? Even for such a biased media?

Give me a break ... get a life, get laid, get a drink ... do whatever it takes to keep you sane ... but give up media ... you're to biased to be believed!

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